Adult DentalGeneral QuestionsDo I need my wisdom teeth out? Do I need my wisdom teeth out? Concerns around wisdom teeth are common amongst our teenage and young adult patients. W...
Adult DentalGeneral QuestionsJaw pain and clicking Jaw pain and clicking Sore and clicking jaws are a common problem with see at SHDC. Patients will often present with j...
Adult DentalImplants at SHDC SHDC is pleased to announce that Dr Ryan Cornish is now placing implants for our patients at our surgery. Ryan is our...
Adult DentalDental anxiety Dental anxiety is a very common condition. It can be a barrier to patients seeking dental care. At SHDC we understand ...
Adult DentalCracked tooth repair: 4 dental options A cracked tooth often has functional implications. In the worst case scenario, you could end up having that tooth pulled...
Adult DentalPreventing ProblemsHow much tooth extraction pain will I feel? The amount of pain that a patient may experience during a tooth extraction often depends on the type and size of the too...
Adult DentalWays to replace a missing tooth Do you have a gappy or gummy smile because of missing teeth? We’ve come a long way with natural-looking options for re...
Adult DentalPreventing ProblemsGum disease and other problems Bleeding gums or receding gums? These are signs of gum problems that you want to stop before they result in advanced gum...
Adult DentalPreventing ProblemsCould I have gingivitis? Ignore these signs of gingivitis or periodontitis and your teeth might eventually fall out. Here’s how we can help com...