General QuestionsKids DentalPreventing ProblemsShould my child have braces? Should my child have braces? The question of braces for children is a common one we encounter at SHDC. The number of c...
Adult DentalGeneral QuestionsDo I need my wisdom teeth out? Do I need my wisdom teeth out? Concerns around wisdom teeth are common amongst our teenage and young adult patients. W...
Adult DentalGeneral QuestionsJaw pain and clicking Jaw pain and clicking Sore and clicking jaws are a common problem with see at SHDC. Patients will often present with j...
General QuestionsKids DentalDental Trauma in Children Dental trauma in children Most parents have experienced at some time or another, the stress of seeing their child knock ...
General QuestionsKids DentalMy Child has Chalky Teeth My Child has Chalky Teeth – What do I do? A common concern we see our young patients present with, is chalky teeth...
General QuestionsPreventing ProblemsWhat’s more important: Brushing in the morning or night? Skipping tooth brushing at night can be tempting if you’re already comfortable on the couch or in bed with Netflix...